Aggregates and Quarries
Sasco is a leading supplier of weighing equipment to the Aggregates and Quarries Sector with key products including road weighbridges, road in-motion weighing, rail weighbridges and rail in-motion rail weighing systems, together with belt weighers, throughput weighers and software.

The total compound rate of growth for Aggregates and Quarries in Africa is expected to sustain 6.5% per annum over the next two decades.
The Aggregates and Quarries sector encompasses operations resulting in the production of coarse- to medium-grained particulate material used in construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete and geosynthetic aggregates. The operations are classed as surface mining or open-pit activities.
Demand is going to continue to be driven by growth in residential construction, commercial construction and infrastructure projects. Population growth and a high rate of urbanization are expected to drive high levels of residential construction activities across Africa while more specifically high levels of commercial construction activities are projected for 43 out of Africa’s 54 countries, which will combine to drive demand for aggregates.
In addition to growing demand from residential and commercial construction, the greatest demand is, in fact, going to come from infrastructure projects representing hundreds of billions of dollars with the largest component being transport projects followed by power and energy projects. By region, East Africa has the greatest number of substantial infrastructure projects while North Africa has the highest by value.
Sasco is a leading supplier of weighing equipment to the Aggregates and Quarries Sector with key products including road weighbridges, road in-motion weighing, rail weighbridges and rail in-motion rail weighing systems, together with belt weighers, throughput weighers and software.
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