Sasco has an extensive range of products to meet the specific weighing requirements of the Construction Sector, including mobile axle pads, weigh-in-motion systems, weighbridges, truck cargo scanning systems and software solutions.

The population of Africa is expected to reach 2.5 billion by 2050, and construction growth across Africa will mirror this population growth.
This population growth is occurring in an expansive rather than compact form, resulting in falling urban population densities and a higher rate of land-use change than population growth rates alone might imply. Overall, it is predicted that between 2000 and 2050, the area in urban use in sub-Saharan Africa is projected to increase twelvefold. Demand for additional water, sanitation and waste management facilities will see similar demand growth.
Against this landscape, construction sites are going to be generally small to medium-sized and thus proportionally more numerous, thus requiring effective, cost-effective weighing systems capable of providing reliable integrated data on the volumes of materials delivered to the site by suppliers.
Sasco has an extensive range of products to meet the specific weighing requirements of the Construction Sector, including mobile axle pads, weigh-in-motion systems, weighbridges, truck cargo scanning systems and software solutions.
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