Driver Terminals
Sasco’s range of weighbridge driver terminals are key in delivering improved overall efficiency and effectiveness of weighbridge operations through complete automation.

It is estimated that 90 percent of all goods in Africa are transported by road while the African commercial vehicles market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.1%, each year for the next 30 years. With Africa’s rail networks being relatively underdeveloped, cargo volumes transported by road are going to continue to grow.
Growing trucking volumes drives the volume of required weighing’s of loaded trucks on weighbridges. The more efficient the weighing process the less time it takes to weigh and therefore the more trucks that can be weighed over a given number of weighbridges. Automation of the weighing process at weighbridges is the only way to increase efficiency. Central to weighing automation are Weighbridge Driver Terminals.
Weighbridge Driver Terminals are installed at the entry and exit of weighbridges to allow drivers and are an essential tool for managing weighbridge operations and ensuring accurate weighing of goods and vehicles. The efficiency of these terminals of these terminals is critical to the overall effectiveness of the weighbridge operations.
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