Sasco has an extensive range of products to meet the specific weighing requirements of the Grain Sector, including various, weighbridges, hoppers, belt weighers, solo weighers and software and data integration solutions.

Global grain production approximates 2,200 mt annually, with Africa accounting for 120 mt or just 5 % of world production despite representing approximately 20% of the globe’s agricultural land.
Africa is a net importer of grain. Nigeria is the largest producer of grain in Africa but is also a net importer. Other significant producers include South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania and Ethiopia, all of which are net exporters. Kenya remains Africa’s largest and most consistent importers of grain.
Africa needs to raise productivity levels in cereal production significantly if only to maintain current net grain net import levels, and doing this requires greater focus and more stringent controls over inputs, yields and the resulting outputs. Accurate weighing and the utilisation of this data is an essential component in achieving this mission.
Sasco has an extensive range of products to meet the specific weighing requirements of the Grain Sector, including various, weighbridges, hoppers, belt weighers, solo weighers and software and data integration solutions.
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