Sasco News

Smart Trucks Drive the Need for 30m Weighbridges

  • Date: March 2024
  • Sasco Group: Sasco Metrology Services
  • News Type: Newsletter Updates
The introduction of the Smart Trucks in South Africa marked a significant step forward in redefining transportation standards. By focusing on performance rather than prescriptive specifications, Performance Based Standard (PBS) trucks offer a range of benefits over conventional trucks, including improved safety, increased efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and significant economic advantages.

As South Africa continues to expand and refine its Smart Truck program, the benefits of these innovative vehicles will become increasingly evident, setting a new standard for transportation in the country and beyond.

PBS truck approvals in South Africa can be categorised into the following groups:

  1. Link Combinations: These include configurations like B-doubles, which consist of a prime mover towing two semi-trailers, connected by a fifth wheel on the rear of the first semi-trailer.
  2. Interlink Combinations: Common configurations involve a truck towing two trailers linked by a dolly, which is a trailer converter dolly. These are typically used for heavier and bulkier loads.
  3. Turnpike Doubles: These are combinations of a truck and two trailers, often longer than standard interlink combinations, designed for long-haul transport.
  4. Super-Link Combinations: An advanced form of the traditional interlink, where the trailers are designed to carry more load without exceeding specific performance thresholds.
  5. Modular Combinations: These are specialised configurations that can be adapted for specific loads or tasks, offering flexibility in terms of the number and type of modules used.
  6. Longer Semi-Trailers: While not as extreme as some modular or multi-trailer combinations, these are extended-length semi-trailers that offer increased cargo space over standard semi-trailers.

Because PBS trucks can be longer than traditional trucks, weighbridges must be designed or adapted to accommodate these increased lengths. Sasco has responding to these changing demands by approving for trade use the Sasco WB 80 LP in a 30m length with the functionality to provide both total weight and axle weights.


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