Sasco approach to the retail sector is to offer a limited range of robust retail printing scales, portion weighers, platform scales and receiving scales as well as labels.

Africa has both the fast-growing population in the world and the youngest population in the world, This fact combined with the reality that Africa’s urban population will increase from 35% in 2010 to an estimated 56% by 2050, will drive substantial growth in the retail sector.
South Africa has the most developed retail sector currently, with most consumers shopping in formalised retail settings. The largest retail company in the country, Shoprite operates over 1,200 and 270 franchise outlets in 16 countries across Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands.
Over the next few decades, most African cities will see their populations double. Still, there are others such as Dar es Salaam, Lagos, Nairobi, Lusaka and Luanda that are expected to see their populations triple. These cities are also likely to see the most retail growth, driven by increasing local expanding retail chains and a trend to import brand substitution.
Sasco approach to the retail sector is to offer a limited range of robust retail printing scales, portion weighers, platform scales and receiving scales as well as labels.
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