Road Logistics
Sasco has been the leading supplier of weighing equipment to the logistics industry in Southern Africa for several decades, and the evolution of weighing technology and the demand for integrated total weighing and axle weighing solutions has offered Sasco the opportunity to develop proprietary manned and unmanned static weighing, axle weighing and weigh-in-motion weighing systems with full ERP integration for both the Southern Africa and the broader African logistics sector.

Road logistics transports approximately 80% of Africa’s road freight and about 90% of its passenger traffic.
Billions of dollars are being spent on roads and new trade corridors. Once completed, it is estimated that total road freight volumes in Africa will more than triple over the next 15 years.
Southern Africa currently accounts for approximately 55% of Africa’s total road freight volumes and medium to heavy-duty trucks. While road freight volumes in Southern Africa’s will continue to grow, the most dramatic growth in road freight volumes will take place in East, Central and West Africa.
Sasco has been the leading supplier of weighing equipment to the logistics industry in Southern Africa for several decades, and the evolution of weighing technology and the demand for integrated total weighing and axle weighing solutions has offered Sasco the opportunity to develop proprietary manned and unmanned static weighing, axle weighing and weigh-in-motion weighing systems with full ERP integration for both the Southern Africa and the broader African logistics sector.
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