Sasco has an extensive range of products to meet the specific weighing requirements of the Mining Sector, including various weigh bridges, belt weighers, industrial platform scales, automation products, software and data integration solutions.

Africa is richly endowed with mineral reserves and ranks first or second in quantities of world reserves of bauxite, cobalt, industrial diamond, phosphate rock, vermiculite, and zirconium. In terms of percentages of global production Africa’s rankings are as follows: diamonds 73%, gold 89%, uranium 16%, bauxite 9%, steel 2%, aluminium 5%, copper 5% and platinum 92%.
With the African Mining sector expecting to grow at an annual rate of 5% per annum for the next few decades, South Africa’s dominance of the African mining sector is being eclipsed, due to several factors which include ageing mines and a political and regulatory landscape unfavourable to investors.
Consequently, the mining sectors of Botswana (copper, silver, diamonds), Burundi (rare earth metals), Cote d’Ivoire (gold), DRC (copper, gold, tin and zinc) Ethiopia (gold), Ghana (gold), Guinea Bissau (gold), Madagascar (graphite), Mozambique (graphite), Namibia (diamonds), Senegal (phosphate) and Zambia (copper) are the countries attracting mining investment capital.
Sasco has an extensive range of products to meet the specific weighing requirements of the Mining Sector, including various weighbridges, belt weighers, industrial platform scales, automation products, software and data integration solutions.
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