Sasco, as a leading supplier of weighing equipment, the software has developed several weighing solutions focused on the effective management and operation of waste sites. These include weighbridges, automation products, and specific waste management software.

The world currently produces approximately 2.0 billion tonnes of waste annually, and this is projected to rise to 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050 with most of these 1.4 billion tonnes coming from Africa.
The developed world collects approximately 93% of all waste, recycles around 20% of all waste collected with the balance going into landfill sites.
In Africa, less than 40% of all waste is collected, and at best approximately 4% is recycled and only meaning that only 36% is taken to either landfill sites or general waste areas. In addition to this 60% of all waste is never even collected and piles up on vast unofficial rubbish dumps.
The amount of waste generated is directly related to population growth. Africa’s population is expected to double by 2050 reaching 2.5 billion people – Africa’s population is increasing at a rate which equals the entire population of France annually, and on the back of this population growth the amount of waste generated is expected to double by 2050.
No precise road map appears to exists for addressing this acute challenge. Still, the starting point must be to firstly radically increase the percentage of waste collected, and in conjunction with this to build vastly more formal waste storage sites, after which strategies can be developed for recycling, extracting economic value and creating employment from what can be viewed as a resource, if managed, or a catastrophe if not.
Sasco, as a leading supplier of weighing equipment, the software has developed several weighing solutions focused on the effective management and operation of waste sites. These include weighbridges, automation products, and specific waste management software.
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